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Writer's pictureS.K. Andrews

Welcome Author Misty Simon!

Tell us a bit about yourself

I live in Central Pennsylvania and love it! The seasons, the food, the friendly people all make my heart happy and my thought run to small town love and small town secrets. I have over forty stories out and about in the world and I’m happiest when I’m creating worlds that readers can sink into and provide escape.

How do you find time to write?

I don’t know that I find the time so much as I make it. Writing is very important to me both to get my thoughts on the screen as well as sharing my world view and my love of reading with people. No matter how busy I am, I try to write every day to keep the story fresh in my mind and the characters rolling on their journey to a happily ever after.

What’s your publishing tips?

Know what you want and then go get it! If you want to be traditionally published then know what is selling and see if you can fit your stories into that frame. If you want to self-publish then know the ins and outs of what you’re getting yourself into. But always stay true to what calls to you to write it. Huge numbers of readers are awesome but if you are writing something that just doesn’t speak to you then I think it comes across to the reader and cheats both of you of what could have been an amazing story.

Any promotional and marketing tips?

Get involved with other writers. This business can be lonely – we spend hours creating and nurturing people who live in our heads. But it’s as important to make connections outside your writing cave and find the tribe that will lift you up both on a daily basis and when your book baby arrives in the world. Another tip is always respond to readers who take the time to seek you out and interact with you. They’re who you’re doing this for.

Tell us about your recent book.

Liv and Breathe is set in a small town in Central Pennsylvania. Liv runs a camp for inner city boys over the summer to give them a chance to explore a different way of life and give them skills to thrive with. When those same boys are falsely accused of tagging a neighboring farm and letting animals loose, she has to call the one man who holds her dream in his hands and can destroy it with one stroke of his pen on a sale agreement.

Thank you Misty!

For more about Misty Simon, click below:

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2019년 2월 18일

Terrific interview. wow, you have 40 stories out! I'm impressed!!! Best of luck with Liv and Breathe--great title :)

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