The "Shining" Stanley Hotel 31 Days of Halloween with The Kelly Society Day 6
5th Anniversary
31 Days of Halloween with
The Kelly Society
Day 6
Hi Everyone!
I'm Neal Harrington and your host. I'm a member of The Kelly Society paranormal cleansing team because I married their leader. :) Also, I'm good with a sword in combat, but that's another story.
Years before I met Vivien Kelly, I traveled for my job at an architectural firm. Driving from Boulder, Colorado I decided to take a side trip and go hiking. Before my feet even hit the trail my rental car broke down. By the time a tow truck came it was twilight. The tow driver suggested I stay at the Stanley Hotel, because as it happens, we were only ten minutes away.
I knew the hotel was the inspiration for Stephen King's book The Shining, but I didn't expect to be hit with such a strong energy when I walked in - thick, strong, with an intense essence of history. Since I'm an architect, that's what fascinated me most of all.
As I stood in the lobby admiring the design, I heard the piano play. A gorgeous melody flowed from the keys and filled the space. I walked around to praise the artist and saw an empty piano bench. No one was even in walking distance and the music just stopped. That was very weird. I was told by the bell captain later that Mrs. Flora Stanley would play for her family and now haunts the piano.
Images of The Stanley Hotel
The Shining - The Movie The Stanley Inspired
The phantom piano music was the only thing I experienced, but for more hauntings at The Stanley Hotel check out the tours they offer:
The Spirited Tour (Evening Outside)
The Shining Tour
All Tours
Well, that's a wrap on my Stanley Hotel experience. I hope it inspired you to book a room and/or a tour.
In the meantime, have a wonderful and spooky Halloween!
Neal Harrington