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31 Days of Halloween with The Kelly Society Day 10 - The Happy Medium Jodi Livon

Writer's picture: S.K. AndrewsS.K. Andrews

31 Days of Halloween with

The Kelly Society

Day 10

Vivien Kelly, here from The Kelly Society. I’ve been following Jodi Livon, the Happy Medium for years and I’m excited to share her insights and expertise with you all today.

Jodi is a very compelling and compassionate medium, so please enjoy what I’ve gathered to share with you all.

"Intuition is a resource and it is free and natural and it's all yours.

Your intuition can lead you to places where you can feel more joy."

Jodi Livon

Quote from: Halloween Party 2020 with Jim Harold

Jim Harold's Paranormal Podcast Halloween Show 2020

About Jodi Livon

Published author Jodi Livon, The Happy Medium®, has been a corporate psychic and intuitive coach for over three decades. She’s a favored local and national TV and radio personality and has been the resident psychic on a popular TV talk show, Twin Cities Live, since 2009. Please visit her website and friend, follow, and subscribe to her on social media: YouTube , facebook Jodi Livon , twitter @JodiLivon , InstagramJodiTheHappyMedium

Jodi’s career as a published author began in the early 1990’s in the areas of poetry, business, mystic and academic. She was a featured writer in Savvy.MN Magazine. Her first book, The Happy Medium: Awakening To Your Natural Intuition was published by Llewellyn in 2009. It received a number of great reviews including one by Publishers Weekly.

Review for Speaking the Language of Intuition:

''Jodi Livon teaches you how to have confidence in your own intuitive power and use it for better living and spiritual enhancement.'' Rosemary Ellen Guiley, author of Guide to Psychic Power.

Twin Cities Live Guest Spots

Jodi’s guest spot on Fright Club TV

A ten-part series which utilizes clips and talk show elements to see Jack Osbourne and the Ghost Brothers – Dalen Spratt, Juwan Mass and Marcus Harvey, try to freak each other out by watching paranormal videos together before experts weigh in about how to handle paranormal experiences, providing context and debunking myths.

My interview questions for Jodi:

Each day when you get up in the morning, what is it about the paranormal, magical, and unexplained realm that keeps you riveted?

I continue to be completely amazed at the beautifully serendipitous ways the Universe answers my questions through numbers, symbols, signs, and animals. My Divinely Guided Spiritual Team-meaning my guides, angels and of course loved ones on the other side- are ever present and comforting. It just never gets old!

What was your best Halloween ever?

I’ve loved being on Jim Harold’s virtual Halloween Parties! I’m sure there are more great Halloweens to come though they won’t be special in the same way as the ones filled with my young children, fully dressed in their costume of choice, gobbling down the chili I made to fill their bellies so they could run from house to house gathering treats with their friends.

To contact Jodi Livon for speaking engagements, private readings, or corporate coaching, visit her online at:

Thank you, Jodi!

Everyone have a joyful and spooky-fun Halloween.


The Kelly Society

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1 comentário

Hunter Skye
Hunter Skye
11 de out. de 2021

It's nice to see intuition treated as good and natural. <3 Happy Halloween!

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